Major's Mission
"Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, Filling an emptiness we don't even know we have" Thom Jones

Major's Mission is volunteering his time to returning military veterans, police, fire, EMS and other fist responders suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other stress related emotional and medical related disorders.
The inspiration behind Major's Mission is from my dear friend Major Eduardo Suarez from the "Yellow Ribbon Program", Minnesota National Guard. I named Major after him first and foremost, because of his heroism and all the sacrifices he has made for all of us. In addition, for his character and integrity exhibited towards others wih such kindness, understanding and compassion.
Major and I routinely visit veterans outreach centers, first responders and their families helping to make someone's day better or help bring a smile to their face. Major is most noted for outstanding personalty and antics that make people laugh. His nickname for many is Major Whiner!
Schutzhund BH, CGC,TDI

Major trialing under SV Judge Hermann Schamann
earning his Schutzhund BH Title 10/12/2013
the Schutzhund Club of Buffalo

Major is an oversized long coat German Shepherd born January 6, 2011 bred by Kelly Nash from Crooked River German Shepherds located in Atwater, Ohio. From day one, he was entertaining us with all his antics almost on a daily basis. Like his daddy, Draven, he too would grow up to follow in his foot-steps as an outstanding Therapy Dog. Walking in our neighborhood, everyone stops to see him and say hello. They ask me when will I put a saddle on that pony?

Ride Em Cowboy
Western New York Heroes, Inc.
2013 Angel Calendar
Suicide Awareness
Charles Fistola III, air force specialist, was deployed three times and with each deployment his posttraumatic stress disorder deteriorated. Upon his discharge, he became a police officer down south. In December of 2006, he succumbed to the emotional injuries of war and took his own life.
Suicide within the military has soared since 2005 as the military waged two wars at once, and this year may set a record with troops committing suicide at the rate of one per day according to Pentagon Officials.
Suicide Hotline